Thursday, September 27, 2012
***********Beasts of the Southern Wild***********
By Gregimus Malcumis Meridius.
This post is of a film that truly requires no introduction. I would urge you, humble reader, to run as fast as you to scramble out of your window and crash through solid glass to go see. It's also a film that will grip your heart, steal your soul, and make you wish that this would never happen to any five year old girl.
Hushpuppy has stolen my vote for both upcoming and best actress Oscars. This young five year old did more with her vibrant depiction of lost innocence and growing up far too fast than most actors could hope to achieve in their entire lives. She is the shining star of her generation at this point. Few individuals, if any, have dually merited such praise. She is wonderful to watch and, lest we forget, also improvised more than half of her lines. She makes acting appear child's play. I suppose to her, it is!
Now to the rest of the film. To quote a friend, I wish I could wake up to this film every morning. It fills hearts and souls, minds and bodies with an overwhelming calm that maintains itself throughout. And the joy! The overwhelming joy of the piece! How a first time director could maintain such a careful, pain-stakingly careful mood through a duration the length of the film amazes me.
I had only minor complaints at best and a clear majority of them revolved around the billingand adverts. I expected the beasts to be the giant bores. The beasts were the frolicking humans. The people who showed disinterest in the other woes of a misbegotten world in exchange for a simpler means. A means more sustained by living happy and accepting everything as being their world. Beautiful. Brilliant. Spellbinding. Love in it's basest and most protective form.
Beasts of the Southern Wild I could, and should go on and on about. But due to time I must cut it short. What I would love to do next would be a close watching of the film and attempting to draw all the metaphors and similarities from this. It plays like it should be Of' Brother Where Arte Thou for a more complex crowd. Hidden and skewed meanings culminating in a feeling of the thought 'Hey buddy, life goes on.'
I gave this movie a 9.18 for being so close to the idea of perfect. A bigger budget would have been welcomed for this film. But the love was still there.
The dude abides.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Ethan's Top 10 Movies of All Time: Part 1 (10 - 6)
A good way to see what kind of details a movie buff pays attention to is by looking at his or her favorite movies. I feel that a list of any individual's ten favorite movies is not only fun for starting debate and discussion, but is also very excellent for showcasing the kind of things about movies that different people take note off. All of us certainly interpret movies differently because we focus on different aspects within the picture and therefore develop our own sensibilities. The following is a list of my top 10 favorite movies (in order) and a small disclaimer as to why I chose each film (10 - 6).
- Brazil wasn’t the first film directed by Terry Gilliam that I saw, but after seeing it for the first time some years ago it instantly became my favorite in his catalog. This film simply bleeds atmosphere and aesthetics. The dystopian future that is portrayed with much humor and wit is also gorgeous and terrifying to look at. Each set is bursting with detail and imagination and the story about a man trying to escape the trap of a world ruled by paperwork and endless policies is not to be missed. This is a winner on every level and works brilliantly as a science fiction/comedy/action/romance.
- This probably seems like an odd choice. This satirical comedy film went pretty much unnoticed in theaters but has begun to develop a devoted fan base. Personally, I find Walk Hard to be the funniest movie ever made. Most of the comedy play out as most Judd Apatow produced films do (lots of raunchy, bod-related humor), but this movie is unique in how incredibly brilliant the satire is and how heartfelt it is in the end. Having a somewhat thorough knowledge of 1960’s and 1970’s pop culture (emphasis on the music) helps with some of the references, especially in the extended cut of the movie (when is the only version I watch). Also noteworthy is the soundtrack. Its a tragedy that this film went so unnoticed, as a handful of the songs are easily Oscar-worthy in their hilarious satire-soaked absurdity. Walk Hard is the dark horse on my list, but I stand by it. I love this film.
- Just a few years ago I purchased the Criterion Collection blu-ray release of Fredrico Fellini’s brilliant film 8 1/2 without knowing much about it except that it is considered a classic and that it was on sale. When I sat down and watched the film, I was stunned. When the 2.5 hour film was over, I had zero idea of what to make of the thing. This movie is surreal and splendid in style and substance. Dream sequences start and stop without any real context or consideration of linear narrative. The plot is simple enough (a film director is out of ideas and is making things up as he goes along on the set of his latest movie, all while dealing with his past and the relationships he has formed over the years), but the movie is a tough nut to crack. I watched 8 1/2 with English subtitles (this is an Italian film), and so much is going on so quickly that I found myself struggling to keep up with the dialogue. You will need to see this film more than one time. 8 1/2 is a fever dream and is constructed with a brilliant sense of atmosphere and imagination.
- Casino has been treated unfairly since the year it was released. Martin Scorsese was riding the success of the almost equally incredible Goodfellas when he shot and released Casino. Almost instantly the consensus was that Casino was so similar in form to Goodfellas that it seemed like an imitation movie that did nothing but copy the former film with no progressive intentions. While I certainly see where those criticisms are coming from, I have to disagree and say that Casino takes all of the positive elements of Goodfellas and polishes them. Casino is, indeed, very similar in style to Goodfellas (constant narration, music-video like editing, and strong stories with strong characters), but for me works much better as a whole. Casino is an epic movie with some of the greatest performances in cinema history. Don’t write this one off!
- I know I cheated here, but I couldn’t help myself. The three Lord of the Rings films are not to be ignored and continue to be a force to be reckoned with. Consisting of three films (Fellowship of the Ring, Two Towers, and Return of the King), the Lord of the Rings Trilogy follows the epic story of the ring of power and the various characters that are involved with the emergence of the ring’s power. Honestly, no other film matches the huge scope of these films nor the precision and attention to detail. There isn’t a single miscast actor, poor creative choice (derived from the legendary novels written by J. R. R. Tolkien ), or moment of boredom in the entire trilogy (almost some may disagree… I’m talking to you Kevin Smith). The extended cuts of each film are easily the best way to see them, as they add countless important scenes that fill in each gap of the story. Lord of the Rings is how big-budget films should look and feel. While their visual and visceral appeal is undeniable, the emotional depth of the trilogy is also a force to be reckoned with.
Well that is part 1 of my top 10 list! I’m sure most people will shutter at my choices and others will agree in at least a few of my decisions. These movies mean a lot to me and help showcase my personal taste in films. Stick around because part 2 of this list (feature my five favorite movies EVER) will be posted shortly!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Reviewed by Nathan Regina
Many films have rolled from Cannes to the Oscars and scored
big. However, many of these films don’t get many people into the theater.
Evidence of this was very clear when I saw Beasts
of the Southern Wild. The film blew me away, but my only companion was my
fellow blogger Ethan our significant others. Truth be told, I would be shocked
if this film does not score big come award season. From the acting to the
cinematography, this film does not disappoint.
Before I being telling just
how much I love this film, it does come with a major drawback. The film is not
one that any movie watcher can go see
and instantly love. It takes a significant amount of understanding to fully
understand the plot. The plot lacks a real direction and gets a little airy at
certain point. However, the elite acting really makes up for any shortcomings.
Quvenzhané Wallis was amazing from the moment she enters
onto the screen. Her acting was superb not even accounting for her age. The
story is told through her eyes as she flows through her world of change. Her
acting, for a small child, blew me away as she had to act out a variety of
emotions. As her world changes, her acting evolves which truly amazed me. Once
award season rolls around, I will be truly shocked if she doesn’t score big.
Any viewer of this film will wonder if the world depicted in
the film is intended to be purely fantasy. The community does resemble many
deep southern Louisiana communities. However, they depict a modern society at
several points in the film. Regardless, the low budget of the film blew me away
with the cinematography and the setting was truly amazing. The world represents
something from rural Louisiana but still has some fantasy elements that don’t
seem real.
The biggest
element that was impressive to me was the visual elements of the
cinematography. Throughout the film one is able to not only see but also feel
what the main character is going through. Many films struggle in getting across
the emotions of the story. This film went above and beyond to the point you can
literally feel sorry, happiness, and desperation. Great job, on behalf of the
director, of getting these feelings across while also telling the story.
I am already marking this film among my Oscar favorites
moving forward. The film may be small budget with low ticket sales, but it hits
a home run in a variety of categories. In addition, the visual elements of the
film will blow any film buff away. The acting of Quvenzhané Wallis highlight the
entire film for me. I walked in fairly excited for this movie and it truly did
not disappoint. Big time home run for this film. look for a full trophy case
for actors and director once award season rolls around.
Score: 9.3/10
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Reviewed by Ethan Wasdovitch
After reading about and sorting through the huge amount of hype surrounding this film, I finally got to see Beasts of the Southern Wild and see for myself whether or not it lived up to high expectations. The short answer is yes, it does live up to those expectations, but in a completely different way than I had anticipated after seeing the trailer. The movie is extremely realistic in regards to the humanity of the characters and the believability of the situations, but also very surreal in style and is jam packed with imagination and creativity. I was expecting a movie about the struggles of extreme poverty during a disaster but what the film actually is could be described as a fantasy film about growing up and assuming responsibility.
Told through the eyes of a very young girl who lives in a community separated from supposedly normal America civilization by a levy, Beasts of the Souther Wild begins as I had imagined it would have but quickly goes off on its own creative tangent. Scenes early in the movie show Hushpuppy (played in a revelatory and inspiring performance by Quvenzhané Wallis) dealing with her father, who’s health is declining (possibly because of his alcoholic tendencies). At first I found the father to be abusive in how he treats Hushpuppy, but as the film develops his hard edge turns to be paramount in helping his daughter gain the skills she needs to survive. However, it is easy to say something like “these people shouldn’t be living in such impoverished conditions” and accuse this film of exploiting poor people for art’s sake. I think those accusations are missing the point of the movie, and fail to see that the heart of the movie is the connection all of the characters have to their home in the bayou.
As the movie goes on, we see that the bayou (called Bathtub) is in danger because a big storm is coming and will flood the entire area (is this a reference to Hurricane Katrina?). Hushpuppy, her father and some other select residents of Bathtub decide they will stay in their home and that there is no real purpose in living anywhere else. This is the dynamic in the film that really stuck with me. The flood does come and does put the entire area underwater. But the characters adapt and begin to survive in the new environment. Much of the film shows this in dreamy montage with Hushpuppy narrating with lines about how everything in the universe is connected (reminded me of Terrence Malick’s films). They are surviving and refuse to leave their homes because this is the way they live, and there isn’t any real reason for them to change that.
One of the most convincing things about this film is the acting. Quvenzhané Wallis is simply stunning in the leading role, and rarely do such incredibly young actors have the ability to carry a film while portraying a realistic and emotional character. The father is also surprisingly sympathetic because of the performance. He isn’t a character that one would normally like and cheer for, but the lifestyle they live and the environment they live in makes him seem like the most caring, loving father anybody could have. The relationship Hushpuppy has with her father is fleshed fully out and creates a real emotional connection with the audience. As for every other character in the film (especially the people who live in the bayou), they could have convinced me that this film was a documentary. The way everybody talks and is made up is completely genuine and makes you feel like you’re living on floating homes with the locals in the bayou. The same can be said about the sets, everything looks grimy and realistic. This is no small feat for a film with such a minuscule budget.
There are several fantasy elements in the film as well. Unfortunately this is where the small budget of the film shows. I feel as if the filmmakers wanted to make a movie with more fantasy elements and more surrealism but the small budget somewhat restricted them. There are some simply stunning scenes involving giant boars slowly trudging their way towards the bayou (a visual metaphor). I don’t think this is a huge problem with the movie, and if anything the more minimalistic approach to the fantasy elements may in fact help with the concept humanity that is central to the film. Also, for a movie with such a small budget, they certainly did make the fantasy elements that are present in the movie believable. Since I wasn’t expecting anything like this in the movie beforehand, it was a pleasant surprise. I definitely want to see the movie again to make more sense out of the surreal elements of the movie.
By the end of this film I was utterly confounded and nearly blown-away by the entire ordeal. First it had completely shattered my expectations, than it introduced deeply humane concepts of family bonds and cultural relativism, and finally it wrapped up all of these elements smoothly all while being crafted with clear talent and precision. There are elements of fantasy, which serve to help the audience understand that the movie is through the eyes of a six year old girl with a very vivid imagination. The film is gorgeous in a somewhat dark, gothic way and the settings ands characters are to thank for that. Out of nowhere Beasts of the Southern Wild is touching and inspiring. It is a look at a group of people who celebrate life in their own unique way and refuse to let others take it away from them. It does this mainly by showing us how a six year old’s relationship with her father and with the bayou itself allows her to grow up into a person who is ready for the uncertainty and unpredictability of everyday life.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Coming soon and updates
All three of us have now seen Beasts of the Southern Wild and our individual reviews of that film will be written and posted shortly! It has gained much hype since its debut at the Sundance Film Festival where it was awarded the Grand Jury Prize. This will most likely be a major Oscar contender this year so check in shortly for what we thought of it!
Also we will hopefully be doing a group discussion of Cabin in the Woods either in audio format or a scripted review. There is plenty to talk about! Eventually we will do the same with Beasts of the Southern Wild.
More things to looks forward to.....
Also we will hopefully be doing a group discussion of Cabin in the Woods either in audio format or a scripted review. There is plenty to talk about! Eventually we will do the same with Beasts of the Southern Wild.
More things to looks forward to.....
- Top 10 favorite films of all time from all three of us!
- Reviews and discussion of the highly anticipated The Master (next weekend)
- Oscar predictions.
Thanks for reading!
Ethan Wasdovitch
Cabin in the Woods!
Review by Nathan Regina
Modern horror cinema has been fairly predictable within the
last few years. Most films, in an effort to be different, have taken gore and
plot twists to an entirely new level. But it seems that many films have
forgotten the few core elements that make horror movies appealing. Also, the
problem of repetition has also become a major problem. Films seem to almost
blend together and some almost appear to be clones of one another. The genre
has still remained very strong, but a
majority of films just don’t seem to cut it. The
I am glad to say Cabin in the Woods was very refreshing to
watch. The classic elements of horror were very present and well written out.
The story was great and really keeps the viewer guessing throughout the film.
The concept of movie is fairly unique and I felt it was very well laid out.
Horror films based in the wild are fairly common. But this film brings in
elements that are fairly unique. This allows the viewer to keep guessing and
most likely be wrong. The plot twists are also excellent and are very well
placed. Towards the end of the film the twists are huge and entirely unpredictable.
The death scenes in the beginning and middle of the movie
left something to be desired. The ending scenes were simply great and really
lived up to expectations. However, the death scenes early on were a little bit
too predictable and lacked a true gore factor. While this isn’t really a gore
film, you still a presence in these movies. Cabin in the Woods could have used
just a hint more of blood. But we all know, most movies can’t be perfect.
The characters, while the typical crew, were well cast and
acting was pretty decent. The typical buff guys and hot girl horror characters
were present. The acting of the troup was fairly good with a few weak spots.
But in horror movies, good screams and terrified facial expressions are key.
Kristen Connolly and Fran Kanz were solid. The directors and writers did a good
job of clearly defining the characters and they all acted their part.
I will attempts to not give too much away about the ending,
but it was absolutely fantastic. The massive amounts of gore made up for the
rest of the film. The end borders on epic with great special effects and a
horror set makers wet dream. The ending, as is common, serves as a massive plot
twist and definitely will not disappoint. The true ending may slightly confuse
you but will leave you smiling or at least entertained. This element of the
film knocked my rating up significantly and really was great.
Overall, this film was well done and will definitely
entertain, even most horror film buffs may come to enjoy this film. The movie
keeps you guessing and contains several moments that you may refer to as epic.
In addition, the ending is truly unpredictable and is also highly entertaining.
This film really sets itself apart from the typical horror genre film. My
totally great for this film is going to be a 8.4 out of 10. Good job Drew
Goddard, you made contact on this one.
Rating: 8.4/10
Friday, September 21, 2012
Cabin in the Woods
Reviewed by Ethan Wasdovitch
Usually when anybody is talking about horror movies, there are a certain number of assumptions that have to be kept in mind. One of them is the willful suspension of disbelief that none of the characters in the movie will make an intelligent decision. After all, if people in horror movies were smart, they wouldn’t have much of a problem surviving many of the situations. A second assumption is that there is some sort of fantastic and perhaps supernatural circumstance is causing torment to a group of innocent citizens. Cabin in the Woods is a film that embraces the cliches of the horror genre but also adds enough twist to the ordeal to make it a fascinating and extremely entertaining experience. These assumptions people make about horror movies are an integral part of this movie and are even given explanations. As outrageous as those explanations are, its refreshing to see a horror film willing to take things to a different level.
Without giving too much away, Cabin in the Woods takes a pretty standard horror plot and reaches further than one would assume. A group of college kids are taking a vacation to a cabin in the woods (woah!) to party and have a good time. Characters appear to be pretty standard for horror movies, especially the creepy gas station attendant who preaches the normal gloom and doom to the unsuspecting college students. Clearly something dark is waiting for them at the cabin, as anybody who has seen a dozen horror movies could say. However, all of this is happening while a bunch of businesslike men and woman are scrambling in offices and in front of giant computer terminals with the main group of college kids on their screens. They are being watched. That’s more than anybody should know about the movie. Just know that Cabin in the Woods has more in store for the viewer than most movies of its type.
Another important thing about this movie is that it is practically a comedy. Cabin in the Woods never takes itself too seriously or gets heavy handed in the horror elements (gory, but not too gory or extreme). Nearly every scene early on in the movie has a line or two worthy of a laugh. The comedy works so well because of how aware the movie is of its own nature. The filmmakers knew that horror movies don’t really make much sense when real-life logic is applied to them, so characters are poking fun at the situations and the script balances comedy with horror perfectly (especially when the observing men and women in the office are taking bets about what is going to happen to the college students). Joss Whedon is one of the writers here, so it isn’t difficult to understand why each line is sharp and meaningful. The acting greatly helps the comedy along, with all actors giving well above average performances for horror films. Its seems like many of the actors probably had a lot of fun filming this movie.
Hardcore horror fans will be particularly fond of Cabin in the Woods because of the constant wave of horror references. Perhaps references isn’t the right word, but rather homages, because what is happening isn’t necessarily explicitly referencing other movies, but simply mirrors the same aesthetics and situations as them. Again, without spoiling anything, there are homages to films like Friday the 13th, Evil Dead, and Hellraiser. I found these references to be effective and made the overall experience have a familiar feeling, but not so familiar that I was bored by it.
Normally when doing a review, I would go more into what elements of the plot I liked and didn’t like, but I’m trying to avoid spoilers because I feel this movie is best seen knowing very little about it. There are some gripes I have with the movie, especially if you think too hard trying to make every scene make sense to the grand scheme of the plot. Cabin in the Woods is so set on playing with the classic elements of horror movies that it may get a bit too over-the-top at times. Still, there are so many twists and turns to the story and it takes it so far, I can’t help but give it a pass in that section. Even some of the cliche character roles are altered enough to make them seem more interesting (keep your eye on the stoner!). The only thing that keeps me, a legitimate, hardcore horror movie buff, from giving Cabin in the Woods a perfect rating is that, for the first half of the movie at least, pretty standard and predictable elements are being used. I know that its just setting up for the more outrageous and entertaining final act of the movie and that much of it plays homage to classic films, but I can’t justify a perfect 10 for a movie whose entertainment level depends largely on the prior knowledge a film goer has about the horror genre.
Still, Cabin in the Woods is easily one of the best horror movies in a very long time. It is a movie that plays with convention enough to keep things familiar, but offers enough fresh material to really impress and wow even the most well-watched horror buffs. Even if horror isn’t your favorite genre, Cabin in the Woods is a must see because of its comedic elements. All acting is top notch as well, especially for a horror movie (its cool to see Chris Hemsworth before he was Thor, as this movie was filmed before he played Thor). The script is water tight in the dialogue and setting department, and only falters slightly from relying on basic plot elements from other movies. All in all, Cabin in the Woods is a winner and is destined to be remembered as a sort of milestone in the horror genre (in lines with Scream and Saw). If anything, this movie tops all of those and gets top honors for taking more risks with the story and being much more comical.
Cabin in the Woods!
----------------------Review by the Most Supreme Arch Deacon Greg Malcolm--------------------
I will start out by saying if you have not seen this film, run---no! Sprint! Sprint out of your window and go grab a copy (preferably Blu-ray) and watch it. Read no summaries. Stop reading this one. Go into this film spoiler free so that you can experience the movie as a whole and not be spoiled by crappy explanations by other people. This movie is too good for that.
**********SPOILERS BEGIN HERE*************************
This review/critique will contain a gratuitous
amount of *spoilers* solely because there is no point in discussing a film if
you have to limit yourself and speak about specific moments of the film while
containing yourself with vague explanations and hindering the entire process of
properly reviewing the craft. And I will
not stand for that!
Now to the meat and potatoes. The blood and guts. The shish and kabob. The Cabin in the Woods. The setting is impeccable and the audience is
left noticeably aloof the entire time.
Not only is it brilliant Goddard and Whedon set this film in a way that
expects the audience member to be clueless or draw horrid assumptions that
makes one giggle when one thinks of how they came to that conclusion, but also
it takes the Horror/Thriller genre in a completely different direction. It’s a physical piece of brilliance and could
be used to argue the point behind any and all horror movies. Essentially, my favorite character is
Mordecai. This biblical inception
creates the entire tone for the rest of the film. Super creepy character, you half expect him
to slit everyone’s throats standing there and have his family disembowel them
one-by-one. Instead? Oh instead we are given a treat when the
bosses tease and belittle him after he sends a bunch of teens running away
towards their doom.
The menagerie of levels that this
film is taking place on encompasses far more than just a horror flick. Whether it is the stereotyped acting, which
stoner comments on, or the way all of the monsters appear to be throwbacks to
old school horror films (“Fornicus, Lord of Bondage and Pain” will reminded me
distinctly of “Cenobites.” On top of that, the Old Gods complex which should be
familiar to anybody reading this, to me emulated a new level of horror films
that has rarely been breached in this day and age.
A tad more visceral now, the acting
was great! I know what you’re saying, “Hey
Greg! GTFO! It’s a horror film and they are supposed to
act like idiots, poorly!” To which I
respond yes they do. Except it isn’t
poorly acted; rather the acting is exceptional.
Sure it sticks to horror standards like taking an obscene amount of
damage and surviving (i.e. being ripped open by a lycanthrope of some type and
surviving to speak patiently and smoke some bud on the stairs) as well as
resigning the stupid horror movie moves (i.e. dropping the scythe, even if it was involuntary. STUPID STUPID STUPID!)
But the crux of the film revolves around
people tricking these teens into behaving the way they do. And they do indeed trick them. These kids die all kinds of horrid ways,
probably my favorite being by force field.
Who dies by freaking force field!
I mean seriously! Who does that!
But the acting itself is exceptional, if not stellar.
My favorite character for this film
is the stoner. Strictly because of the
fact that whatever he is smoking is making him immune to the majority of their
tricks. Secondly, my favorite monster,
since I know there will be arguments, is Fornicus, Lord of Bondage and
If this film is a cult-classic now,
consider me hooked. Because I can’t wait
to take another spin through Cabin in the Woods, even with the Zombie Redneck
Torture Family.
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